The art, which begins with nighttime black dominating has occasional, subtle accents of other colors, and whimsical punctuations of bright red for the scarves, hats and mittens on children and snow people.

From her initial glimpse out the window to her poignant adventuresrolling a snowman, making snow angelsthe girls quiet quests are ones all young readers will recognize. Finally, she is moving “Slow Slow Slow” with her huge ball of snow, passing from the night into a bright, snow-white field full of children who are also rolling huge snowballs and making … snow figures! A magical, dreamlike story is told through a spare, lyrical text and stunning, textured, mostly black-and-white illustrations that are understated and exceptional. In this beautiful book from debut creator Bomi Park, a young girl wakes up to the years first snowy day. A speedy train passes as she goes “Fast Fast Fast.” Through a fallow field, through a friendly nighttime woods full of animals. With her puppy following, she rolls the snowball out the yard, into the street, and through the darkened town. Glistening, floating in the night.” She puts on warm clothes, walks outside, and begins rolling the snow into a ball.

From the sky one flake falls, then another. edition: Chronicle Books, 2016Ī small girl wakes up in the night to the soft sound of falling snow. Read a sample Read a sample Description Details Reviews Look out.