I looked behind, then all about me, but saw no human shape. "You came through the door," replied an odd, rather harsh voice. "How DID I get here?" I said-apparently aloud, for the question was immediately answered. Had I wandered into a region where both the material and psychical relations of our world had ceased to hold? Might a man at any moment step beyond the realm of order, and become the sport of the lawless? Yet I saw the raven, felt the ground under my feet, and heard a sound as of wind in the lowly plants around me!

Then the absurdity of seeking counsel from such a one struck me, and I turned again, overwhelmed with bewilderment, not unmingled with fear. 610 reviews Lilith is a story concerning the.Read 610 reviews from the worlds largest community for readers. Lilith is a story concerning the nature of life, death, and salvation.Aft. Instinctively then, as to the only living thing near me, I turned to the raven, which stood a little way off, regarding me with an expression at once respectful and quizzical. Read 610 reviews from the worlds largest community for readers. Nothing, I might yet come in contact with something but my search was vain.