Throughout, you'll encounter dozens of QR codes, accessed through the camera app on your smartphone, that link to short technique-driven videos hosted by Molly to help illuminate some of the trickier skills. More than a collection of recipes, Cook This Book teaches you the invaluable superpower of improvisation through visually compelling lessons on such topics as the importance of salt and how to balance flavor, giving you all the tools necessary to make food taste great every time.

Molly breaks the essentials of cooking down to clear and uncomplicated recipes that deliver big flavor with little effort and a side of education. Cook This Book is a new kind of foundational cookbook from Molly Baz, who's here to teach you absolutely everything she knows and equip you with the tools to become a better, more efficient cook. If you seek out, celebrate, and obsess over good food but lack the skills and confidence necessary to make it at home, you've just won a ticket to a life filled with supreme deliciousness.