
The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen
The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen

The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen

She is also the winner (for body of work) of the Kerlan Award, the World Fantasy Association Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Catholic Library's Regina Award. Her writing has won many awards-two Nebulas, a World Fantasy Award, a Caldecott, the Golden Kite Award, three Mythopoetic awards, two Christopher Medals, and the Jewish Book Award, among others. Jane Yolen, often called "the Hans Christian Andersen of America," is the author of over 340 books, including Owl Moon and The Devil's Arithmetic. Far away on the East Coast of America I felt the heat of it burning my cheeks. In "Fahrenheit," Yolen protests the burning of her book because a character is gay: Before the arson could be stopped, a year of my writing went up in flames. We were warned, we did not listen, and the teeth are at the back of our necks. Yeats set it all down first: that bloody tide of change and not-change, that bloody intensity of right and not-right, the beast stalking the presidency down the twisty, blackened capitol streets.

The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen

From "Listening to the News Reminds Me of Yeats".

The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen

These powerful poems, born from wisdom and composed with assured artistry, stand as bold and memorable witnesses to ourtroubling and troubled times. Jane Yolen's new collection of 55 poems about politics and power, her compassionate "songs of protest", confront our most tragic contemporary and historical human experiences: the Holocaust, the Boston Marathon bombings, Newtown, and Aurora massacres, global warming, endless Middle East violence-each poem is a plea for justice and a statement of moral imperative.

The Bloody Tide by Jane Yolen